Are you looking for greater satisfaction and less frustration in your relationship?
People often go through times of wanting more closeness, honesty and emotional depth from their partners but don’t know exactly how to make it happen.
Perhaps you’d like to understand more about how you “tick,” or why you respond to particular turn-ons.
Becoming a competent lover requires self-awareness and empathy.
When you have the ability to communicate your desires while perceiving your partner’s wishes, that is a powerful combination.
Youth and beauty are celebrated in our world, but intimacy and physical pleasure belong to everyone.
Although many, many couples experience lack of desire or are mismatched in their desire...
Couples can recover from affairs. Those who choose to remain together often continue to...
When sexual enjoyment is not so simple, relationships can become discouraging,...
If you’ve experienced sexual pain, you may be afraid it’s “all in your head.” It’s not...
Do you have unexpected reactions when you’re being sexual: • crying or feelings of...
Are you looking for knowledgeable, objective help with sexual issues or your...
People who choose open relationship come from all walks of life but are often bright and...
Men often conceptualize problems with the penis as essentially hydraulic in nature; yet...
Wondering how to maintain the health benefits and pleasures of sex as an older person,...
One word: Busy! It seems to be a way of life in our culture. Parents who feel pulled in...
Parents want to give clear and useful information to their kids about sex and...
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