Sex at All Ages

Sex at All Ages

Wondering how to maintain the health benefits and pleasures of sex as an older person, or a couple? Few of us take time to envision what our sex life will look like as we age; or we accept the cultural attitude that after a certain point in life, people no longer care about sex. Worse yet, myths and taboos in our society suggest that sex is off-limits for older people. Fortunately, having sex or just thinking about sex is a sign that we’re still very much alive and well, even if our bodies don’t look or feel the way they once did.
People who engage in sexual activity tend to appear younger and remain medically healthy longer than those who refrain from sex. A partner is nice, but even self-pleasuring, or masturbation, has beneficial effects on our sense of well-being and vitality.
Talking to a therapist about sexual attitudes and technique can be helpful, and will give you a range of options for staying lively and happy, despite aging. Here are some examples of concerns we may talk about:

  • accommodating changes in acute or chronic medical conditions you and your partner experience
  • managing intercourse with limited mobility, or identifying other satisfying intimate activities
  • facing aging with frankness and humor
  • letting go of the past and getting over hangups about sex
  • body acceptance; feeling good about your appearance